Thursday, February 23, 2012

Carry a Cow? not a problem.

So we left the capital where we live and took a train to the second biggest city in this country--it's located smack in the middle and is surrounded by snow-covered mountains. The reason we went was for the wedding of our coworker (i'll post about that soon), but we made sure we had a day to explore the city as well. Just before we got on the overnight train to head back home, we stopped at the Nizami Gencevi monument. He is a very, very well known national writer. Aside from poetry, he wrote several epic plays. After we visited his grave [funny story, actually: it was locked up and completely dark and closed. But we sweet-talked some stoic police officers into unlocking it and taking us inside, where we viewed the memorial by flashlight!], the officers gave us permission to look around the rest of the grounds and ran (truly, they RAN) back to their car (it was COLD!). We walked for a few minutes and found a series of statues depicting the characters in Nizami's epic plays, some of which you can see behind us in this picture:
One of the pictures was of a woman carrying a small cow on her shoulders up some stairs. It's based on one of Nizami's most famous pieces, and is really an interesting story to read:
One of my teammates said, "wait, is that a WOMAN carrying that cow?!" ...and so it began. I, of course, being a woman, said, "so you think she can't carry a cow just because she's a woman?! I could carry a cow. No problem." Naturally, they doubted me and my brute strength and my sheer determination. And so this is how we settled things:
Clearly, I won.
And yes, I could carry a cow.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


i don't necessarily like or dislike valentine's day in america,
but i LOVE it abroad.

basically, i love loving. this holiday presents a perfect opportunity to teach some american culture
and do some lovin' on my students.

this year, i baked 100 heart-shaped sugar cookies and
mixed up a bunch of different frosting colors.

and then we all

what's not to love about a little loving?

what, you don't celebrate valentine's day in three languages?
Russian (green): ya tibya lublue
Local language for this country (white): man seni seviram
The language of my heart (red): I LOVE YOU

these are two of my precious 10-year-olds. we had a wonderful valentine's class! we decorated cookies together (their first time ever!) and learned a love song and, since we recently studied poetry, we read and analyzed two poems--one described Claudius and St. Valentine and the history of the holiday, and the other was a perfect description of love and was taken from chapter 13 of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians.

decorating cookies with my coworkers!
love, love, LOVE them.
love is patient
love is kind
it does not envy
it does not boast
it is not proud
it is not rude
it is not self-seeking
it keeps no record of wrongs
love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth
it always protects
always trusts
always hopes
always perseveres

i hope you all got a chance to love yesterday.

happy valentine's day
and a whole lot of love
from the ends of the earth!