Monday, November 21, 2011

a GEORGIAN weekend.

We came here on visas that expired mid-October, so we decided to take an early-October trip to Tbilisi, Georgia--the only neighboring country we can enter without a visa. We left on a Friday night and returned about 6am Monday morning. We spent two nights on the road and only one in Tbilisi, but friends, Georgia is ALWAYS worth it! Here are a few pictures:

We traveled with two friends of ours:
Summer is trying to hold on!
My teammates decided to have their picture drawn together by a street artist in Baku, so they could hang it on their wall in their flat...only problem is, now that it's up there, everyone who enters their apartment here does not understand that it's a joke. It creates an awkwardly hysterical situation having to explain over and over that their portrait together was really just a joke :)
the final result:

A beautiful fountain in the center of Tbilisi's Old City:
You ask WHY? We ask, "Why not?!"
One of the largest Orthodox Cathedrals in Tbilisi. It's stunning inside!
little tiny baby pomegranates!
team discussion time.
At the foot of the cross I desire to live my life. May this picture be a reminder to me.
Georgian countryside:
love this girl!
Sunrise in Tbilisi:
And there you have it, friends! Georgia! If you're ever in this neck of the woods, a visit to this beautiful country would be well-worth your time!

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