Thursday, September 26, 2013

an amazing opportunity!

This past Wednesday, a good friend of mine asked me over for dinner with her family (they've become my Azeri family over the years I've been here) and several of their family friends.  When I accepted, she told me the occasion: they had invited a Mu||ah to pr-y blessings over their new home.  What an opportunity!

It was an amazing and bizarre experience (two adjectives that I could use to describe nearly everything that happens here).  First of all, I was starving.  I didn't eat lunch since the dinner began at 4pm.  But really, that meant that the Mullah showed up at 5pm, and then chanted from the Qu-ran for two hours, calling on the names of Mhmmd and A||h, while leading everyone there in physical room-cleansing and soul-cleansing motions.  Though I chose not to participate in the motions she was leading, I did bow my head with them, though the G I was calling on was not the gd of the Qu-ran, but the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, my Father and their Father.  The sp!r!rual atmosphere exhausted me to the point that I had to actively not fall asleep--it was one of the strangest sp!r!tual things I've experienced here.  With every breath I took in, I called on JC to be in that room with us, and called on the Spirit to be working in the hearts of the people there, and with every breath out I was telling myself, "J, you're in control of your body.  DO NOT FALL ASLEEP!  This is important.  JC, keep me awake!  DO NOT FALL ASLEEP!"  Truly, it was that strong.  S@tan is exhausting.  

The good news is, I stayed awake.  (I mean, can you imagine the reaction of the women around the table if I, covered out of respect like the rest of them, fell sounds asleep into the plate of sheep guts in front of me?  Bad news bears.)  The better news is that they gave ME the unexpected opportunity to also pr-y a blessing over their home!  I prayed in the name of the Sav!or of the world and the Desire of all Nations, asking his blood to cover this home and the hearts of all who sat around the table with me. I asked boldly that he make the Truth clear and evident to each of them, and disinvited S@tan in the name of JC.  INCREDIBLE.  The enemy has been defeated.  Please ask for my friends to find FREEDOM!

Below are a few pictures.  I even snuck one of the Mu||ah on my phone :)  

Setting up the table with my Azeri family:

The Mu||ah:

With my dear friend at her dinner table:

Love to all of you from far far away,

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